Monday, December 10, 2012

Changes in Canvas as of 12/10/12
  1. We’ve added a new button to the course navigation bar in Canvas called Holman Library.  It opens the HL page inside Canvas. 
  2.  We also changed the Report a Problem link that appeared when you clicked on Help. Now it opens an email addressed to eLearning.  The text for the link says “If Canvas isn't working the way you think it should be, check with your professor first.  If they can't fix the problem, please email the eLearning office.”  We ask that they check with the professor before emailing us because we figure you’ll want to know if your students are having problems with Canvas.  Plus the question they have may be specific to a class and not a problem with Canvas.  For example, we can’t answer questions about how to do a specific assignment, course grading, the syllabus, etc.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Questions 11/17/12

Q:  I have a group assignment and I want to give each student their own grade.  How do I do that?

A:  Click on more options on the Edit Assignment page.  Put a check in the box next to "This is a group assignment."  A sub menu opens.  Put a check in the box next to "Assign grades to each student individually."

Q:  How do I set up extra credit in my gradebook?

A:  Add an assignment group and call it extra credit.  Decide how many points you want it to be worth.  Then determine what percentage that is of your total points.  For example, let’s say you want to give 10 extra credit points and you have 200 points in your class.  That works out to be 5%.  So make your extra credit assignment group worth 5% of the grade.  Add assignments to that group as needed.  The make the rest of your assignments total 100%.  Here are examples with weighted grades and not weighted grades. 


·         Group 1 50%

·         Group 2 25%

·         Group 3 25%

·         Extra Credit 5%

·         Total 105%

Not weighted:

·         Group 1 100%

·         Extra Credit 5%

·         Total 105%

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Question 11/8/12

Q:  Is there an attendance function in Canvas like there is in Angel?

A:  There is no attendance function in Canvas.  But you can track activity by going to People, choosing the person you want to track, then clicking on the Student Analytics button on the right.  It will show you when that person viewed pages in your course so you can track logins that way.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Questions 10/19/12

Q: Is there a way to change the point value of quizzes imported from Angel without doing it one question at a time?  (When you import quizzes from Angel, the point value for each question is 0)

A: There is no way to change the point values of questions all at once.  One at a time is the only way.

Q:  I have an assignment set up for an online submission.  Because I want to use Crocodoc, I restricted the file types to .doc and .docx.  Now the students can't submit their documents.  What happened?

A:  When you restrict file types, don't use periods before the file types.  Type the file extension with a comma between each and no spaces.  It should look like this:  doc,docx,pdf

Q:   A test student has appeared in my gradebook.  Is there a way to delete it?

A:  As of now, no.  That happens when you to into your class using the student view.  Canvas is working on a solution that will delete test student when you exit that view.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Question 10/10/12

Q: I see an entry in my gradebook for Test Student.  It doesn't show up on my roster.  Can it be deleted?

A:  Test Student is created when you use the Student View in your course.  Currently it is added to the gradebook but not the roster (people). There is no way to delete or hide it.  That is a feature request so Canvas is looking into it.  We may see it go away in a future update.  As long as you don't enter grades for that student, it shouldn't affect your overall percentages.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Question 10/5012

Q: Can I restrict the release of modules to specific groups in Canvas.

A: You cannot.  You can control the release of assignments to a particular group but not modules.  Below is a proposed structrue.

Group 1 (module name and everyone in the class would see it)
·         Put all the assignments/lectures/etc. for group 1 in this module
·         Add everything as an assignment and restrict the assignment to group 1
·         Put lectures, etc in as non-graded assignments. 

Group 2 (module name and everyone in the class would see it)
·         Same here 

Group 3 (module name and everyone in the class would see it)
·         Same here

If you do it this way, all the groups will see the module names but only the members of a group will see their assignments.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Canvas Alert!  Canvas updates their product on a regular basis and that includes adding new features.   Most of the updates involve bug fixes and performance improvements but occasionally there are added or changed features.  It's reasonable to assume that one or more of your course functions will change during the course of a quarter. The adds/changes to features are desirable updates and come from the long list of users requests.  You can follow product updates here  It's possible one or more of these changes may affect the way your students interact in your class. For this reason, it's advisable to add text similar to the following to your syllabus:

 "As the quarter progresses, Canvas may make updates that will change the way you interact in our class.  If that happens, I'll let you know what you need to do differently.  And I assure you that any changes will not affect your grade in the course.  Because these can happen at any time, it's critically important that you check your class regularly for update notifications.  Missing a notification will not be an excuse to miss assignments." 


Q:How can I delete students that have dropped my class?

A: Because of the way Canvas works, delete is now an admin function. It's part of our automatic daily updates.  We add newly enrolled students and remove those that have dropped.

Q:What is the latest update?

A: The latest update added a really neat feature.  It added a new file viewer that allows you to comment within a document submitted by your students as an assignment.   To use it, you have to set up an assignment with an online submission. Then only put a check next to Allow File Uploads.  Then, using more options, restrict the file type to Crocodoc supported types -- doc/docx, pdf, ppt/pptx and xls/xlsx.  Then when you go to Speedgrader and select your student, the submission will be visible in Crocodoc and you can make comments similar to track changes in Word.  This makes it unnecessary to download the file, use track changes and then upload the changed file. You can only use Crocodoc with supported file types.  If you forget to restrict the file types and a student submits an .rtf file for example, you will only be able to read the file but not comment in it.   You can still add comments in the grading comment box available with all assignments but they don’t appear on the document. Video demo available on the Canvas help site.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Canvas questions 9/12/12

Q:  I imported my course successfully into Canvas from Angel.  I've spent a bit of time going through some things, changing dates, updating information, etc.  One thing I've noticed is that my quizzes don't seem to be set up quite right.   For example, the Site quiz in the course:  all the questions are there, when I edit them, they show each question is worth one point, on the quiz settings the entire quiz shows as 10 points possible, but on the modules page the quiz shows as worth 0 points.  What am I missing in setting this all up?

A: Problems with quiz imports is a known issue Will and it's in my video demo of Canvas imports.  Canvas is aware and supposedly looking at a solution.  Whether or not we get one is another issue.  Try the quiz, click on edit this quiz (right toolbar). If it imported like it usually does, the questions will import as a question group worth X points.  First check each question (click on the pencil icon for each to edit) and make sure the point value is correct there. The click on the pencil icon for the group setting. The group will say Choose Y questions worth X points each.  Each time you open an edit screen, click on the update button.  That should take care of the issue. 

Q: I put a file into one of my modules.  The file is a Word doc, but when it loads in Canvas, all my formatting is off.  Do I need to do something with the file or is it just a hiccup in the program?

A: It's a browser issue.  Copying and paste a Word document is usually the source. Word generates quite a bit of junk code with each page.  It also allows formatting that browsers can't read.   The solution is to attach  file. That will force it to download into Word.  To prevent the issue, avoid using Word.  Create documents iyou're going to copy and paste into Canvas (or Angel) n a plain text editor such as Notepad.  Or use an HTML editor.  Green River has Microsoft Expressions Web available or you can use one of your own.  For Mac users, here are the directions for using a plain text editor.

Q: Is there a graphic calendar in Canvas for the students to see and print?

A:Students can print any calendar page or sync it with Google calendar, Outlook. or any calendar program that accepts an iCal feed.  I demo that in my calendar videos.

Q: Can I tie a rubric easily to the collaborative project?

A: You can't add a collaboration as an assignment. Here's a workaround. Create an assignment with and online submission, allow a web URL so students can link to the document (works better in Google docs), and then attach your rubric to the assignment. 

Q:I use Google Docs extensively for assignments. I understand that there is a way to make it so that I can select google docs as a submission option, but I can't seem to find it.

A: There is no direct connection with Google docs so you can allow a website URL as an online assignment submission option.  Students can link to their Google doc.  Or you can set up a collaboration in google docs.   The latter would be a tedious process though since collaborations are really meant to be used for collaborations among students or students and faculty.

Q: Does Canvas save my course as I create it?

A: Canvas operates in the cloud so your course is safely (as safely as technology can be) saved.  Always a good idea to have a backup.  Export your course and save it locally.

Q: Will Tegrity be available in Canvas or do we have to send our students to Angel for T videos?

A: We're hoping to have Tegrity linked to Canvas before the quarter starts or shortly thereafter.  Tegrity is working on creating the link.  In the meantime, you can do generate a URL for each vid and paste them into Canvas.  You can also have your students login to Tegrity directly here
As long as your Angel class that has the videos in it is not set to editors only but all members instead, they will see the class in Tegrity.

Q: Can I just import my Angel quizzes into Angel?

A: Yes you can.  Just export only your Angel quizzes (remove the checks from everything but quizzes) and then import that file into Canvas. But keep in mind, there are problems with an Angel import of quizzes.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Canvas questions 9/10/12

Q: Is there a way to change the labels on the tabs on the navigation bar on the left side of the course?

A: No way to change the names of the buttons on the left navigation toolbar. 

Q: In Angel, we could cut and paste quiz questions from a word document and create a complete quiz.  Can this be done in Canvas or do we need to type each question and answer in separately?

A: Canvas doesn't have a Paste from Word option.  Browsers don't like text pasted from Word so it isn't advisable.  Plus, pasting from Word creates a very large file for very little text.  The Canvas course limit is 500MB so you don't want a lot of unnecessary code in your class.  If you can create the test in Notepad or Expressions Web, you can paste from either of those using keyboard commands (Control+C and Control+V).  Otherwise, doing it manually is the best option unliss you can import from a publisher’s test bank.

Q: Can you import a text file (.txt) to create a question bank in Canvas?

A: No import option for a text file.  You can import into Canvas using the Import content into the course tool.  Assuming you're using a test bank, export from the test bank in an Angel format if available and if not Bb 6 or greater. Then go to settings>Import content into the course (right toolbar)>import content from a content package or from another system>from the dropdown, choose either Angel or Bb depending on your export.  That's the only option for now. 

Friday, August 31, 2012

Canvas released to our test group

Today is a big day for us.  We released Canvas to our test group for fall quarter.  Our Canvas site is Our help site for faculty is here  It's a work in progress so check back often for new material. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Canvas questions and answers.

  • I would like to try it for many fall classes. How would I go about creating a shell?
    • Creating classes will remain an admin function.  We’re still writing the programs that will load classes/users and probably won’t be done until next month sometime.  We’ll update the campus.
  • Will we be using Tegrity with Canvas? 
    • Yes we will.
  • Is fall the last quarter we can use Angel or can we use it the entire academic year?
    • Spring 2013 will be the last quarter for Angel
  • If there's little time to train face-to-face on Canvas before the fall quarter begins, can I just use Angel again?
    • Yes, we suspect most faculty will be using Angel in the fall.
  • Point of clarification.....will you still be loading everything into Angel as well as into Canvas in the fall?
    • Yes we will.  We'll continue to load everything in both systems through spring 2013 which will be the last quarter for Angel.

New Canvas update

We have our Canvas installation and are in the process of configuring and testing it.  We anticipate being done with the testing by the end of August if all goes well.  As we said before, our plan is to load all fall classes into Canvas.  We’ve asked people to test it for us and will want feedback from them but anyone is welcome to use it. As soon as we get it configured, we’ll start working on training materials.   If you plan on using Canvas in the fall, there are a couple of caveats though…..if you do choose to use it, it is with the understanding that we’ll all be learning so you can expect a few bumps in the road.  The second one….because we’ll be testing until the end of August, there will be a tight turn around time for fall.  And finally, all the training materials may not be ready.  Right now, we’re working on a training course that we’ll enroll everyone in.  Our training videos will probably take most of fall quarter to complete.  If you’re willing to live with that, you’re welcome to use it. 

We’ll have face-to-face training sessions scheduled as soon as we can, hopefully by the end of August.    We have two sessions scheduled for opening week.  We’ll update you on our progress. 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Canvas update

The state still hasn’t finalized a contract with Canvas so there is still a bit of tentativeness to this.  The state is almost ready to sign so if nothing changes from what we know now (we don’t expect changes), we’ll have Canvas sometime in July.  The eLearning office will start working on configurations and training materials.  Here’s our current plan:

·         eLearning will begin configuring Canvas as soon as we have access
·         We will create faculty accounts and classes as soon as we can
·         Training materials will be created
o   we’ll use those created by the state committee and those provided by Canvas
o   we’ll begin recording videos as we did with Angel
·         We plan to start offering training in late August and continue throughout the next academic year and beyond.
o   We’ll send email when we have dates
o   We’re planning hands on training.  We’ll help you build your class in Canvas
o   There is a tool that will allow you to import your Angel files but they will have to be moved around a bit.
·         We plan to load all courses and all user accounts (faculty, staff, and students) in both systems (Angel and Canvas) starting in the fall and continuing forward
·         We plan on having both Angel and Canvas until the end of spring 2013
o   spring 2013 will be the last quarter for Angel
·         All courses will have to be on Canvas starting next summer quarter 2013.

We’d love to hear from you if you are willing to run a course in Canvas in the fall to help us test.  We know it’s a lot to ask because we probably won’t have courses and accounts in Canvas until late August. That makes for a pretty quick turn around for a fall class. You’ll have to be comfortable with a bit of ambiguity since we’ll all be learning in the fall.  If you’re interested, please email me and know we really appreciate your help.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

New question

Queston:  I realize that Angel is with us spring of 13, but I’m starting a new class and would like to construct it in Canvas. When is the earliest we’ll be able to use it with students?
Answer: We don’t have an answer to that question yet and won’t until the state writes the contract.  If we have the ability to make our own decisions, it would be fall 2012 for a small group of testers.  If we have to wait for consensus from the other 33 CTCs, it could be 2 or more quarters later.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Questions 3/31/12

Q: Will there be overlap between the time we get Canvas and when Angel goes away?

A:  Short answer, yes but we can't talk specifics until the contract is signed.  Your eLearning committee rep can fill you in on what we've been discussing to date.

Q:  Do you have an idea of how long Angel will be available to us?

A:  Our contract with them runs from 7/1 to 6/30.  So Angel will be with us at least until the end of next spring quarter (2013).

Friday, March 30, 2012

Questions 3/30/12

Q:  How will training be handled?

A:  We'll run hands on sessions starting as soon as we can and for as long as needed.  We'll also create training videos for users as we did for Angel.  As soon as we know when Canvas will be available to us, we'll start scheduling training sessions.

Q:  Will we be able to transfer our Angel classes? 

A:  The short answer is yes.  We don't know exactly how that will look until the final contract with Canvas is signed.

Q:  Can we begin loading class material onto the free demo site?

A:  OK to do it to try out some of your class materials.but I wouldn't put too much effort into it.  The free site doesn't have all the features that are in their production site.  If some of your stuff doesn't work, that could well be the reason why.

Canvas at Green River

As of today 3/30/12 the state board is in contract negotiations with Canvas.  Nothing is final until the contract is signed.  We won't be able to make plans for our transition until we know how the contract reads.  As soon as we understand the contract, we'll begin our planning with the help of the eLearning Committee.

As questions come in, I'll post them and my answers here.