Monday, December 10, 2012

Changes in Canvas as of 12/10/12
  1. We’ve added a new button to the course navigation bar in Canvas called Holman Library.  It opens the HL page inside Canvas. 
  2.  We also changed the Report a Problem link that appeared when you clicked on Help. Now it opens an email addressed to eLearning.  The text for the link says “If Canvas isn't working the way you think it should be, check with your professor first.  If they can't fix the problem, please email the eLearning office.”  We ask that they check with the professor before emailing us because we figure you’ll want to know if your students are having problems with Canvas.  Plus the question they have may be specific to a class and not a problem with Canvas.  For example, we can’t answer questions about how to do a specific assignment, course grading, the syllabus, etc.